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How to unset git config key

To unset git config key use the command git config –unset <key>, which will remove a specific key from the Git configuration file. Use git config –unset, for instance, to remove the key setting. Examples of unsettling the keys globally: This code removes the global configuration for your email address, name, and password…More

How to add spacing between list items in CSS

The most popular techniques for adding spacing between list items in CSS include the following: Using Margin You can add space between the list items by using the margin attribute. Use the following CSS, for instance, to add 5px of space between list items: Additionally, you can add spacing to particular list item sides by…More

Integrate MailChimp in C#/.Net core

One popular approach for integrating MailChimp with a C#/.Net Core application is to use the MailChimp.NET library, which is a wrapper for the MailChimp API. To use this library, first install it through NuGet by running the following command in the Package Manager Console: After installing the library, you can begin using it in your…More

Mailchimp API adding tags to existing members

You can add tags to current mailing list subscribers using Mailchimp’s API. Here’s an illustration of how to tag an existing user using the Mailchimp API: To begin, send a POST request to the `lists/{list_id}/members/{subscriber_hash}/tags` endpoint. The list_id is the mailing list’s unique identifier, and the subscriber hash is the MD5 hash of the subscriber’s…More

Difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json

The tilde () and caret () characters are used in a package.json file to specify version constraints for dependencies. A tilde is used to specify a flexible minimum version constraint. For example, if a dependency is specified in a package’s package.json file as “lodash”: “4.17.15”, it means that the package requires at least version 4.17.15…More

MySQL update password of a user

Below is the script which can be used to update the password of any existing user: Connect to MySQL via sudo mysql command on your MySQL instance sudo mysql Run the password update script: ALTER USER ‘<YourUser>’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘<YourPassword>‘;More

dotnet 7 service not starting

Getting error while starting the dotnet 7 service: The solution is to install the dotnet 7 service from scratch since /usr/bin/dotnet folder doesn’t exist based on the above errorMore