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Android Studio Error during Sync write failed No space left on device

Open the Device Manager in Android Studio. Click the edit icon for your emulator in the device manager: Click Show Advance Settings button: Increase the value in the Internal Storage field. Save the settings, run the project again against emulator and the Error during Sync write failed: No space left on device issue will be…More

Android Studio increase disk storage on emulator

In the Android Studio go to Device Manager. Go to settings of the emulator: Go to the Advance Settings to edit the storage. Increase the storage to your desired value. Click Finish button. Reboot the emulator and the emulator will have hard disk increased now.More

Install APK to Amazon Fire TV

You need to connect your Amazon Fire TV through adb: After connecting you need to run adb install command: Provide the full path of your apk to adb install command. Example: Output: The adb push process will start and the installation process of your apk to your Amazon Fire TV will start: After the process…More

How to connect to Amazon Fire TV through adb

Connect the Amazon Fire TV and your local machine on same Wifi. On Fire TV go to Settings >> My Fire TV > About > Network. and note down the IP address presented on the screen. Run the adb connect command to connect your local machine with the Fire TV: ipaddress is the IP address…More

How to check ADB version on MAC

Run the following command to get the adb version on your mac’s machine: The output will bring the adb version installed on your machine: If you are getting zsh command not found adb then you can refer the following blog:More

zsh command not found adb MAC

Error: On running the adb command on Mac’s terminal the following error is coming: Solution: The solution is to add the ADB to PATH to your MAC: Do note that since you are running zsh terminal, you need to run the command against .zshrc profile. Restart the terminal and run the adb command, it will…More

Add ADB to PATH on MAC

In order to add adb to PATH on MAC we need to find the Android SDK platform tools path first. You can refere the following blog for finding platform-tools path Le’s say the platform-tools path you got is: /Users/<username>Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools. You need to run the following command to set the PATH on MAC: If you are…More

How to find Android SDK platform tools path on MAC

The first step is to find the Android SDK location on yoru MAC. Refer the following blog to get that path: Next step is to get the platform tools path. The platform tools path for your machine will be the Android SDK path. + ‘/platform-tools’. It will be /Users/<UserName>/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools. Example:More

How to enable ADB debugging on Amazon Fire TV

The ADB debugging option comes under Developer Options on Amazon Fire TV. You can refer the following blog to enable the same: How to enable Developer Options in Fire TV After turning on the Developer Options, you need to click that option and enter into the Developer Options menu. Turn on both ADB Debugging and…More