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AI 02 – Inner Working of Artificial Neural Networks

In our first post, we talked about the basics of artificial neurons and the inspiration from their biological counterparts. In this post, we will understand the inner workings and see how a neural network actually works, without the technical math details (to make it simpler to understand). How Does a Neural Network Work?A typical neural…More

AI 01 – How does an artificial neuron work?

Welcome to the first post of our artificial intelligence series. In this post, we will understand the fundamentals of basic neural networks and the motivation from biological models. IntroductionAs artificial intelligence becomes increasingly commonplace, it’s important to understand the basics of how these systems work. In this post, we’ll take a look at artificial neural…More

Xcode How to add a package from Swift package manager

Below are the steps to add a new package to your project from Swift package manager with Xcode. Open the project to which you want to add the package in Xcode. Go to your Navigator window in Xcode. Select the target where you want to add the new package. Right-click it and select the Add…More

SDWebImageSwiftUI How to show progress

The SDWebImageSwiftUI library makes it simple to display an image’s progress by using the onProgress closure. WebImage Here is an example below with the code which can be used to show progress while the image is loading in SDWebImageSwiftUI WebImage: The WebImage will look like this: The complete file can be tested like this: The…More

SwiftUI How to display WebP images

Follow the below mentioned steps to display webp images with SwiftUI project: First, add the SDWebImageSwiftUI package to your project following: Second, add the SDWebImageWebPCoder package following: Add the following code to your main file (the root file of your project) init method: The complete code of the root file will look like this: You…More

How to add SDWebImageWebPCoder package to your SwiftUI project

Go to the root of your Swift UI project where you want to add the SDWebImageWebPCoder package. Right click it and select Add Packages menu. Enter the following Url for SDWebImageWebPCoder package in the input box: Click the Add Package button. On the next screen, choose the target where you want to add the package…More

How to add SDWebImageSwiftUI package to your SwiftUI project

Go to the root of your Swift UI project. Right click it and select Add Packages menu. Enter the following Url for SDWebImageSwiftUI package in the input box: Click the Add Package button. On the next screen, choose the target where you want to add the package and click the Add Package button. After completing…More