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WordPress 413 Request Entity Too Large

Go to nginx.conf Add the following line: in http section as highlighted below: Restart nginx Get the PHP version installed on your machine Get the major version (7.4 for example) out of the info from the above output. Run the following command to edit php.ini file: Above, 7.4 is the version of php. Edit the…More

How to update Angular version

Run the following command to update the Angular version of your project If you are getting the peer conflict error then you can run this: After that you can run ng update @angular/cli && ng update @angular/core command again to update the Angular version.More

How to check Angular version

Steps to check the Angular version in an Angular project: Open your project in VSCode. Open Terminal in VSCode. Type the following command : The terminal will show the output of the version being used in your project. Example: In the above results “Angular: 13.3.4” is the version of Angular installed.More

Template injection in ejs error Angular

While running npm i if you are getting the following error: Template injection in ejs in angular: The solution is to run npm audit fix command The above command will update the package-lock.json file and will add the brace-extension section with the following value thereMore

Prototype Pollution in async Angular

While running npm i if you are getting the following error: Prototype Pollution in async Angular: The solution is to run npm audit fix command The above command will update the package-lock.json file and will add the following value there:More

Parsing error: Cannot read file ‘..tsconfig.json’.eslint

While working with multiple projects solution in VSCode, if you are getting the following error in each .ts file Parsing error: Cannot read file ‘..tsconfig.json’.eslint, then you need to do the following steps solve the issue: Go to the .eslintrc.json file of your project and find the “project”: [“tsconfig.json”] line. Initially it will be like…More