Prototype Pollution in async Angular

While running npm i if you are getting the following error: Prototype Pollution in async Angular:

async <2.6.4
Severity: high
Prototype Pollution in async -
fix available via npm audit fix
jake 8.0.1 - 10.8.4
Depends on vulnerable versions of async

The solution is to run npm audit fix command

npm audit fix

The above command will update the package-lock.json file and will add the following value there:

    "node_modules/async": {
      "version": "3.2.3",
      "resolved": "",
      "integrity": "sha512-spZRyzKL5l5BZQrr/6m/SqFdBN0q3OCI0f9rjfBzCMBIP4p75P620rR3gTmaksNOhmzgdxcaxdNfMy6anrbM0g==",
      "dev": true