We can use the find command of Linux to check if a file exists or not on Ubuntu. Let’s say we need to check if a file exists at path /etc/nginx/ssl/mydomain.com.crt. We can run the following command to do that: find /etc/nginx/ssl/mydomain.com.crt If the file exists on the server, the command will return the path…More
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Connect external AWS domain with Shopify
Connection will be done in three main steps: Add the domain to Shopify. Log in to domain provider (AWS) and connect the domain to Shopify. Verify the connection in Shopify. Add the domain to Shopify Go to Shopify domains . Click Connect existing domain link. On Connect existing domain page add your external domain shop.yourdomain.com. Log in to domain provider…More
Omnisharp server not running
In the Visual Studio Code editor, with C#, I was getting the following error: “Failed to run test because OmniSharp server is not running“ This was the error trace: After a lot of research, I was able to find a fix for this issue. We need to add the following two settings in VS Code…More