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How to update Ionic version on MAC

Run the following command to update the Ionic version on MAC. Run the following command to confirm the version of Ionic The above command will give you output like this: Your Ionic version has been updated after following that above steps.More

Azure mapping values are not allowed in this context

If you are getting the following error while running your azure devops pipeline: The error comes when you have extra indendtation in your yaml file for sub properties, for example this case: In the above example, the clean: false property is having extra indentation. The solution is to fix the indentation and write it like…More

npm WARN config global local are deprecated

While running npm i if you are getting the following error: The solution is to replace the following line: with the following command: The npm WARN config global –global, –local are deprecated issue will be fixed after that.More

Make sure your and in git vscode

While pushing the commit in Visual Studio Code if you are getting the following error: the solution is to run the following commands to fix the issue: In the above commands replace Your Display Name and Your Email with your own values. After running the above commands the make sure your and in…More