Check if stored procedure exists MySQL


Stored procedures are powerful database objects that contain a set of SQL statements and can be executed as a single unit. They offer several advantages, including code reusability, security, and improved performance. In MySQL, it is essential to verify the existence of a stored procedure before attempting to use or modify it. In this blog, we will explore a simple yet effective method to check whether a stored procedure exists in a MySQL database.

Checking for the Existence of a Stored Procedure

To check if a stored procedure exists in a MySQL database, we can utilize the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database, which contains valuable information about the database’s schema, tables, and routines. We specifically focus on the “ROUTINES” table within the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database, as it holds information about stored routines like functions and procedures.

To execute the query, we use the following SQL statement:


Replace <YourStoredProcedureName> with the name of the stored procedure you want to check, and <YourDatabaseName> with the name of the database where the stored procedure is expected to reside.


  1. The SQL query is structured as a SELECT statement, which will retrieve data from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES table.
  2. We use the “ROUTINE_NAME” column to filter and retrieve the names of routines that match the provided <YourStoredProcedureName>.
  3. Additionally, the “ROUTINE_SCHEMA” column is used to specify the database schema where we expect the stored procedure to be present. This helps to avoid ambiguity in case multiple databases have procedures with the same name.


After executing the query, the output will vary based on whether the stored procedure exists or not:

  1. If the stored procedure exists in the specified database, the query will return the name of the stored procedure.
  2. If the stored procedure does not exist in the specified database, the query will return an empty result set with no rows.


Verifying the existence of a stored procedure is a crucial step in managing and maintaining a MySQL database. The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES table provides a convenient way to check for the presence of stored procedures, offering a simple yet effective solution to this common database management task.

Always remember to replace <YourStoredProcedureName> and <YourDatabaseName> with the appropriate values before executing the query. By following this approach, you can ensure your MySQL applications operate smoothly and avoid potential errors related to non-existent stored procedures.