Error: File not found while installing VMWare Fusion on MAC M11
The solution is to delete all the following folders/files:
- ~/Applications/VMware Fusion Tech Preview
- ~/Applications/VMware Fusion
- ~/Applications/VMware
- ~/Library/Logs/VMware
- ~/Library/Logs/VMware/VMware Fusion Services.log
- ~/Library/Preferences/VMware
- ~/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion
- ~/Library/Application Support/VMware
Above, Library folder can be accessed via Finder > Macintosh HD > Library.
Reinstall the VMWare Fusion again on MAC M1. Open the VMWare Fusion again and press SHIFT + COMMAND + L to open Virtual Machine Library. Delete the machines which no longer exists on your machine.
Restart the VMWare Fusion again and this time it will work on your M1 machine.