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Set EC2 instance not to delete on terminate

If your EC2 instance is set to Delete on termination Yes and you want to modify that flag to No then you need to follow the below mentioned steps: Precondition: Existing EC2 instance Delete on termination flag already set to Yes We will be using the aws cli for modifying the Delete on termination setting.…More

Connect remote MySQL database in EC2 Ubuntu with MySQL Workbench

Below are the steps to connect to a remote database present on MySQL in EC2 Ubuntu instance: Open MySQL Workbench and click plus icon to add a new connection: In the add new connection modal, add the following details to connect to the remote database with MySQL Workbench: Connection Method: Standard TCP/IP over SSH SSH…More

Check if stored procedure exists MySQL

Introduction Stored procedures are powerful database objects that contain a set of SQL statements and can be executed as a single unit. They offer several advantages, including code reusability, security, and improved performance. In MySQL, it is essential to verify the existence of a stored procedure before attempting to use or modify it. In this…More

How to install and configure AWS CLI on MAC

Step 1: Download the aws cli installer package file Download it via following link: The installation of aws cli will be done at the following location: The installer will automatically create a symlink at following path: Run the following command to further command the location of installation: That will give you the following output:…More

Add unique constraint to table MySQL

Below is the script for how to add a unique constraint to a tbale in MySQL Replace YourTable, UC_YourConstraintName, YourColumn… values with your real table/column names.More