If your EC2 instance is set to Delete on termination Yes and you want to modify that flag to No then you need to follow the below mentioned steps: Precondition: Existing EC2 instance Delete on termination flag already set to Yes We will be using the aws cli for modifying the Delete on termination setting.…More
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Covering a wide array of programming topics.
MySQL get the size of all databases
Below is the query to get the size of all databases: The above query was in MB, if you want to get the size in GB, you can run the below query:More
Connect remote MySQL database in EC2 Ubuntu with MySQL Workbench
Below are the steps to connect to a remote database present on MySQL in EC2 Ubuntu instance: Open MySQL Workbench and click plus icon to add a new connection: In the add new connection modal, add the following details to connect to the remote database with MySQL Workbench: Connection Method: Standard TCP/IP over SSH SSH…More
Check if stored procedure exists MySQL
Introduction Stored procedures are powerful database objects that contain a set of SQL statements and can be executed as a single unit. They offer several advantages, including code reusability, security, and improved performance. In MySQL, it is essential to verify the existence of a stored procedure before attempting to use or modify it. In this…More
There is no deobfuscation file associated with this App Bundle
Error in Google Play Console while publishing app: Solution is to add the following text in build.gradle file under android >> build types >> release section The complete android section might look like this:More
Android: keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Keystore file exists, but is empty
If you are getting the following error while creating a new key via Android Studio: The solution is to set the correct path for key store. The default path where the key store is this: Setting the correct path will fix the issue.More
Typescript check if object or string
Below is the code to detect whether a given object or a string is a string type object in TypeScript: Examples of results based on above code:More
How to install and configure AWS CLI on MAC
Step 1: Download the aws cli installer package file Download it via following link: https://awscli.amazonaws.com/AWSCLIV2.pkg. The installation of aws cli will be done at the following location: The installer will automatically create a symlink at following path: Run the following command to further command the location of installation: That will give you the following output:…More
iOS Simulator deployment target ‘IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET’ is set to ..
If you are getting the following warning in Xcode while builing your iOS app: The solution sis to go to Pods project: Then go to GCDWebServer and set the iOS Deployment Traget to the higher value: The issue will be fixed now Thafter rebuilding the project in Xcode.More
Add unique constraint to table MySQL
Below is the script for how to add a unique constraint to a tbale in MySQL Replace YourTable, UC_YourConstraintName, YourColumn… values with your real table/column names.More