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Swift ForEach requires that conform to Identifiable

Error while using ForEach in SwiftUI Solution: Solution is to add a property named id in your struct and make the struct Identifiable. Let’s say the struct is: The solution will be to modify that struct and make it like this:More

Swift let declarations cannot be computed properties

In Swift, a let declaration defines a constant value, which means that the value cannot be changed. A computed property is a value that is calculated at runtime based on some logic or other properties. Here’s what happens when you try to use the “let” keyword to declare a computed property: Swift can’t differentiate between…More

Bootstrap offcanvas menu large width

Below is the CSS which you can use to increase the width of bootstrap offcanvas menu. Large: Extra Large: You can then add the above class to your modal to make use of it to have larger width offcanvas menu.More

How to open Show SwiftUI Inspector in Xcode

If you are finding Show SwiftUI Inspector missing or are looking for how to open Show SwiftUI Inspector in Xcode then follow the below mentioned steps: Click the control in the editor Press CTRL + Option It will be highlighted. Click the control again and it will open Show SwiftUI Inspector. Alternatively you rcan right…More

XcodeCould not launch invalid code signature

Error: Could not launch … on your iOS device go to Settings >> General >> VPN & Device Management and trust your developer there. Click your developer and click Trust “Apple Developement: <youremailid>”. Relaunch the app from Xcode again against your iOS device and this time it will work.More

Xcode increase font size of editor

Follow the below mentioned steps to increase the font size of the editor in Xcode Go to Xcode >> Preferences. Click the Themes tab. Choose your theme. In the right hand pane, press Command + A to select all options in the Source Editor. Click the font icon and select the font size you want…More