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Karma Error: 1 timer(s) still in the queue

Error while running the spec: Error: 1 timer(s) still in the queue. To fix this you have to modify your spec file function and add flush at the end: Before: After: Adding flush() to your method at last will fix the issue.More

angular exclude directory for ng test –code-coverage

If you want to exclude folders/directories in your code coverage report with ng test command then you need to go to your angular.json file preset at the root of your project and add codeCoverageExclude property to the test architect section Above, we have excluded the following paths from the code coverage report: src/app/modules/admin/*src/helpers/* The test…More

dotnet 7 exclude a dll from coverage report

If you want to exclude a dll or a project to be excluded from the code coverage report of dotnet test command then you need to add the following code in the project file of your project which you want to be excluded: dotnet test command will not exclude that dll now from the code…More

Install dotnet 7 on Ubuntu

.NET is a popular platform for building and running applications and services on Windows and other operating systems. With the release of .NET 7, you can now take advantage of the latest features and improvements in the .NET platform to build modern applications. To install dotnet 7 on Ubuntu, you can follow these steps: Remove…More

Add expiry to self-signed openssl certificate

Original command which you might be using for generating the certificate: You need to add the -days argument to the above command following the days you want for your certificate expiry. The command will look like this: Above 120 days is the expiry time for our self-signed certificate.More